Lending Services: This involves the loaning out of books to the users of the library (usually students and faculty) for a period of time after which the books are returned to the library.
Full –time Lecturers can borrow a maximum of six (6) books for a semester.
Part – time Lecturers can also borrow a maximum of four (4) books for a semester.
Students are entitled to a maximum of two (2) books for a period of two (2) weeks.
Reference Service: The purpose of the reference service is to satisfy the information needs of the library users. This involves finding out what information users need and using library and other resources to provide that information.
Accession Bulletin: A quarterly Accession Bulletin covering all the current books that have been acquired by the Library is usually published on the Library’s website. A hard copy of the Accession Bulletin can also be accessed in the Library.
Acquisition: The Librarian in collaboration with faculty , staff and students select relevant books and journals for the library
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Reprographic Services: The library provides the opportunity for you to print or make photocopies of any material in the library at a very moderate price.
Research Assistance Services: The Library assist users of the library to conduct their research.
Selective Dissemination of Information: Relevant and timely information is passed unto faculty as and when available.
Off campus access