The Management, staff and students of Presbyterian University, Ghana (PUG) congratulate Dr Jonathan Bayuo for obtaining a PhD in Nursing from the School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR.
Dr Jonathan Bayuo is a Registered Nurse specializing in burns, plastics, and reconstructive surgical nursing and sub-specialization in gerontology, palliative/ end of life care, and pain management with extensive clinical experience in these areas. An alumnus of the Presbyterian University, Ghana, Dr Bayuo was a part of the first batch of nurses trained in the Department of Nursing from the year 2007 to 2011.
Dr Bayuo recently completed his doctoral studies at the School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR focusing on developing and implementing a nurse-led transitional rehabilitation programme for adult burn survivors using a prospective, single-centre, two-arm pilot randomized controlled trial approach.
Concurrently with his doctoral studies, Dr Bayuo was offered concurrent enrolment to undertake postgraduate studies (MSc) in Burns and Plastics at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London which he completed successfully.
Prior to these, Dr Bayuo had completed MPhil Nursing (University of Ghana), MSc Gerontology (University of Southampton), Clinical Fellowship in Burn Pain Management (Joanna Briggs Institute, University of Adelaide), and iSAGE Mini-fellowship in Ageing and End of Life Care (Stanford University).
Beyond nursing/ health sciences, Dr Bayuo has completed academic training in law (LLB) and currently studying towards LLM (Medical Law and Ethics) at the University of Edinburgh School of Law. Additionally, he has obtained advanced training in music mastering in vocals, choral conducting, and string instruments (violin and cello).
He has published extensively, presented at several conferences, and continues to support the training of burn care nurses through research, training, and advocacy. Dr Bayuo also serves as a reviewer for several journals and more recently as an Editorial Board Member for BMC Nursing.
Throughout his doctoral studies, Dr Bayuo was actively involved in teaching postgraduate nursing students (MSN and DHSc), mentoring younger PhD students in the School of Nursing, participating in other community work (such as teaching English in Hong Kong), and served as a Hall Tutor for research postgraduate students.
During his PhD study period, Dr Bayuo successfully obtained two research grants: Kings College London Palliative Care research grant (7219 GBP) and Sigma research grant (5000 USD) with an additional 17,000 dollars top-up grant from the matching fund and two training/ fellowship grants: burn care training grant (unspecified amount) and clinical fellowship grant to undertake advanced burn care training in Switzerland.
Currently, Dr Bayuo has been awarded two new research grants: Nestle grant to be hosted at the Presbyterian University, Ghana (20,000 USD) and NICHE grant (83,000 HKD) to be hosted at PolyU.
Dr Bayuo currently serves on the Steering Committee of the Priorities in Global Burns Research co-funded by the James Lind Alliance and National Institute for Health Research and housed at the University of Bristol; and the Nursing Committee of the International Society for Burn Injuries (ISBI). He is a Consultant for an ongoing collaborative research project and a Scientific Writer for the Joanna Briggs Institute, University of Adelaide, South Australia.
Dr Bayuo draws a lot of inspiration from his students, peers, family, mentors, nature, and the Bible. Favourite scripture passages include Psalm 34, Philippians 4:13, and Isaiah 26:12 “Lord, You establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished, You have done for us” (NIV).
Congratulations once again, the PUG community wishes all the best and God’s blessings in all your endeavours.