Students are to take notice of the following:
- The Mid Semester Examinations for the Second Semester of the 2019/2020 Academic Year will be written online between Monday, 4th to Sunday, 10th May, 2020. Students can write the examinations within the period anytime they are ready;
- Only students who have paid all arrears and 60% of the Second Semester 2019/2020 Academic Year would be given access to write the Mid Semester Examinations;
- The list of all students who have not met the requirements for the writing of the Mid Semester Examinations will be generated and all students who have not met the criteria will be informed accordingly;
- The list of students who can write the Mid Semester Examinations would be updated at 5:00 pm daily;
- Students who will not meet the criteria for writing the examinations by Friday, 1st May, 2020, can only access and write the examinations a day after they have met the criteria. For example, a student who meet the criteria by 6th May, 2020, can only write the examinations from 7th May, 2020 even if the student paid his/her fees at 9:00 am on 6th May, 2020;
- Please note, there will be no Time Table for the Mid Semester Examinations; and
- Special IT team will be on standby to address any concerns students may have in connection with the writing of the Mid Semester Examinations.