Mary Adu Kumi (Mrs.)

PhD, MoD, BSc(Hons), PGDE,
Position: Snr Lecturer,
Faculty: Faculty of Development Studies
Department: Environmental and Natural Resources Management
Campus: Akuapem
Location: Akropong
Phone: 0244 215 176
Linked In:
Brief Profile:

Lecturer, Participatory Extension Training, Research and Development & Field Research, Won the BRONZE AWARD – Computing Sciences Category (IRIC) 2014

Research Interests:
  • Technology and Social Change
  • Communication and Innovation studies
  • Rural Development and transformations in Agrarian Society
  • Participatory Approaches
  • Crop improvement and technology dissemination
Publications and Conferences:

Publications Books

1. Mary Adu-Kumi (STCP/Kuapa Kokoo), Sonii David (STCP/IITA) and Jim Gockowski (STCP/IITA) (2008) Monitoring pod harvests on FFS plots In: Introduction to Cocoa ICPM, S. David (Ed) 2008 Version Guide Book Sustainable Tree Crops Program / International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Accra, Ghana. September 2008 Version; pp 188 Available online at

2. Kumi, M. A. (2008) Learning about sustainable cocoa production: a guide for participatory farmer training, 1. Integrated crop and pest management In: S. David (Ed.) 2008 Guide Book Sustainable Tree Crops Program / International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Accra, Ghana. (September 2008 version). Pp 227 Available online at

3. David, S., Bassanaga, S., Wandji, N., Okuku, I., Couloud, J. Y., Adu Kumi, M., Agordorku, S., Mva Mva, J., Okafor, C., Assamoi, R. Y., Gyamfi, I., van Grinsven, P., Voss, J., Gockowski, J., and Weise, S. (2004) Effective Technology and Knowledge Dissemination on Cocoa Integrated Crop and Pest Management International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Accra, Ghana Available online at

4. Gockowski, J., David, S., Okuku, I., Nkeh J., Wandji, D., Asamoah, C., Agordorku, S. & Adu Kumi, M.(2005) An Initial Assessment of the Producer Costs and Benefits of Farmer Field School Training, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Accra, Ghana, Impact Brief (3) Available online at

5. Soniia David, Sylvanus Agordorku, Simon Bassanaga, Jean Yves Couloud, Mary Adu Kumi, Innocent Okuku and Dieu ne dort Wandji (2006) A Guide for Conducting Farmer Field Schools on Cocoa Integrated Crop and Pest Management. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Accra, Ghana pp105 Available online at

6. Gockowski, J., Asamoah, C., David, S., Nkamleu, G.B., Gyamfi, I., Agordorku, S. & Adu Kumi, M. (2006) An Evaluation of Farmer Field School Training on the Livelihoods of Cocoa Farmers in Atwima District, Ashanti Region, Ghana International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Accra, Ghana Working Paper Series, (1) Available online at

7. David, S. and S. Agordorku, S. Bassanaga, J.Y. Couloud, M. Adu-Kumi, I. Okuku, D. Wandji. (2006) A facilitator’s handbook for conducting farmer field schools on cocoa integrated crop and pest management, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) (2006) Accra, Ghana, Available online at

8. S. David, I. Gyamfi and Kumi M.A. (2006) Women Cocoa Farmers in Ghana Have Something to Smile About! International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) (2006) Accra, Ghana, Available at

9. International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA)/Sustainable Tree Crops Program (STCP), Mary Adu Kumi (STCP) and Sylvanus Agordorku (STCP) (2006) Cocoa Production Videos – English, Episode 1 – Pruning mature cocoa trees AVI – 114MB International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, Accra, Ghana.

10. International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA)/Sustainable Tree Crops Program (STCP), Mary Adu Kumi (STCP) and Sylvanus Agordorku (STCP) (2006) Cocoa Production Videos – English, Episode 2 – Using cultural practices to control black pod disease, AVI – 115.6MB International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, Accra, Ghana.

11. International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA)/Sustainable Tree Crops Program (STCP), Mary Adu Kumi (STCP) and Sylvanus Agordorku (STCP) (2006) Cocoa Production Videos – English, Episode 3 – Using chemicals to control black pod disease AVI – 106.8MB, International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, Accra, Ghana.

12. International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA)/Sustainable Tree Crops Program (STCP), Mary Adu Kumi (STCP) and Sylvanus Agordorku (STCP) (2006) Cocoa Production Videos – English, Episode 4 – Harvesting cocoa pods, AVI – 97MB International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, Accra, Ghana.

13. International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA)/Sustainable Tree Crops Program (STCP), Mary Adu Kumi (STCP) and Sylvanus Agordorku (STCP) (2007) Cocoa Production Videos – English, Episode 5 – Fermenting cocoa AVI – 201.9MB International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, Accra, Ghana.

14. International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA)/Sustainable Tree Crops Program (STCP), Mary Adu Kumi (STCP) and Sylvanus Agordorku (STCP) (2007) Cocoa Production Videos – English, Episode 6 – Drying and storing cocoa beans AVI – 94MB International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, Accra, Ghana.

15. International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA)/Sustainable Tree Crops Program (STCP), Mary Adu Kumi (STCP) and Sylvanus Agordorku (STCP) (2007) Cocoa Production Videos – English, Episode 7 – Cultural practices to control mirids AVI – 115.9MB, International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, Accra, Ghana.

16. International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA)/Sustainable Tree Crops Program (STCP), Mary Adu Kumi (STCP) and Sylvanus Agordorku (STCP) (2007) Cocoa Production Videos – English, Episode 8 – Using chemicals to control mirids AVI – 175MB, International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, Accra, Ghana.

17. Kumi M. A (2007) A touch of magic: Unveiling the art of Farmer Participatory Videos! Farmer Participatory Video (FPV): Communication for Social Learning and Transformation in Ghana, Master Thesis 63p Wageningen University of Research (WUR). Journal Publications

18. Owusu, C., Gyiele, K. N., Kumi, J. A. and Kumi, M. A. (2018) Economic Analysis of Certified Seed Maize Production: A Case Study of Ejura-Sekyeredumase District of Ghana. PUCG Applied Research Journal 2018, 4 (1) 47-63.

19. Amaniampong, M., Kumi, J. A. and Kumi, M. A. (2018) Effects of Corporate Income Tax on the Profitability of Mining Companies: Evidence from Ghana Stock Exchange, International Journal of Business Management (IJRDO) 4 (2) 55-64

20. Kumi, M. A. and Dzidonu, C. K. (2017) Models of Video Communication System Design as Technical Device Journal of Advances in Science and Technology Research (JASTER) 4 (2) : 10-23

21. Kumi, M. A. and Dzidonu, C. K. (2017) Models of Design Views of a Training Video Communication System Journal of Advances in Science and Technology Research (JASTER) 4 (1): 9-22

22. Kumi, M. A. and Dzidonu, C. K. (2016) Towards Risk Reduction on Technological Faiures in Interactive Video Communication Systems International Journal of Business Innovation and Technology (IJBIT), 3 (2): 17-28 (Won the Silver Award in the Computing Sciences Category of the IRIC Conference 2015)

23. Kumi, M. A. and Dzidonu, C. K. (2016) Theoretical Frameworks for Analyzing Socio-Technical Factors in the Design of Interactive Video Communication Systems International Journal of Business Innovation and Technology (IJBIT), 3(1):8-20

24. Kumi, M. A. and Dzidonu, C. K. (2015) Towards a robust learner-driven framework for integrating video presentation technologies into the teaching and learning space International Journal of Business Innovation and Technology (IJBIT), 1(1) 1-9 (Won the Bronze Award in the Computing Sciences Category of the IRIC Conference 2014)

25. Kumi, J. A., Kumi, M. A., and Apraku, A. (2015) Threats to the Conservation of Wetlands in Ghana: The case of Songor Ramsar Site Journal of Scientific Research and Reports, 6 (1): 13-25

26. Kumi, M. A. Kumi, J.A. and Kumi B. A. (2015). Comparing Chemical Parameters of Water from Hand-Dug Wells and Pipe-Water at Begoro, Ghana. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 4 (11) 14-20 Available at

27. Kumi, M. A., Nyamekye, I., Kumi, J. A., Kumi, B. A. (2015) Used Restraint Devices: Potential Infection-Hazards on Handcuffs in Ghana International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research IJSTR 4(12):1-5 Available at

28. Bimpeh, E., Kumi, J. A., and Kumi, M. A. (2015) Effects of Farmer Training on Productivity of Smallholder Maize Farmers in the Kwahu East District in the Eastern Region of Ghana International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology, Special Conference Issue #73 (5) 1 Available online at

29. Apraku, A., and Kumi, M. A. (2014) Sustainable Development: Rainwater Quality and Safe Use (A case study in Adukrom Akwapim) International Journal of Water Research 2 (1): 21-26

30. Aninakwah-Boahene, D., Apraku, A., and Adu-Kumi, M. (2014) Perceptions of inhabitants in Bui Township on causes and effects of Onchocerciasis, Ghana International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research 3 (4) 328-331

31. Kumi, R. A., and Kumi, M. A. (2014) Hazards and Risks Associated with the Operating Environment of the N1 Highway, Ghana International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology, 4 (2) 57 Available online at

32. Susuawu, N. E., Kumi J. A., and Kumi, M. A. (2014) Eco-fashion- A Sustainable Management of Plastic Packaging Waste: A case study of Trashy Bags International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology, 4 (2) 68 Available online from

33. Kumi, M. A. (2014) Limitations in the Design of Learner-based videos – A SCOT Theory Perspective International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology, 4 (2) 69 Available online from

34. Kumi, M. A. (2013a) Film Shows Approach for Adding Value to Cocoa Productivity in Ghana. International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology (IJMET) 3 (1)31 Available online from

35. Kumi, M. A. (2013b) Transfer of Innovations Through Technical Video Films: Addressing Crop Production Needs of Smallholder Cocoa Farmers in Ghana. International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology (IJMET) 3 (2) 37 Available online from

36. Kumi, M. A. (2013c) Beyond the Magic in Farmer Videos: Changes in Production Practices of Farmers involved in Video Training Approach. International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology (IJMET) 3 (2) 40 Available online from

37. Kumi, J. A., Kumi, M. A. & Alice Amekli (2013) Sources of Information on Sanitation in the Tema Metropolis of Ghana”, International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology, 3 (2) 38 Available online from

38. Kumi, M. A. (2012) Increasing Local Production of Cocoa through Deconstruction of Technical Knowledge in Films by Farmers in Rural Ghana International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology, 2 (2) 27

39. Kumi, M. A., and Kumi J. A. (2012) The Reception and Acceptance of Farmer-Films by Cocoa Farmers at Bomfa in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology, 2(1) 14

40. Gockowski, J., Asamoah, C., David, S., Kumi, M. A., and Gyamfi, I. (2010) An Evaluation of Changes in the Production Practices of Ghanaian Cocoa Farmers Following Farmer Field School Training, Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, JAEE 17 (3) 45-56

41. Kumi, M. A., Wolffhechel, H., Hansen, H. J. and Mathur, S. B. (1996) RESEARCH NOTE: Seed transmission of Phytophthora in cacao. Seed Science and Technology, [CN 129] 24,593-595.

Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)

42. Kumi, M. A. and Dzidonu, C. K. “Predicting the Audience-Subsystem as the Determinant of the Outcome of Learner-Based Video Communication System Design” Paper selected for Finalist Best Paper Award & Conference presentation In proceedings of the International Conference on Education (ICE) 2019. Theme: Education for the 21st Century. Venue: Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Date: 10-11, April, 2019

43. Kumi, M. A. and Dzidonu, C. K. (2016) Models of Design Views of a Training Video Communication System In proceedings of the IRIC 2016, Conference Accra, Ghana Date: 7-8 October, 2016

44. Kumi, M. A. and Dzidonu, C. K. (2016) Models of Technical Views of Video Communication Systems Paper Presented at the IRIC 2016, Conference Accra, Ghana Date:7-8 October, 2016.

45. Kumi, M. A. and Dzidonu, C. “Towards Risk Reduction on Technological Failures in Interactive Video Communication Systems” In proceedings of the International Research Initiatives Conference (IRIC 2015) Date: October, 2015) Venue Accra, Ghana (Won the Silver Award in the Computing Sciences Category of the IRIC Conference 2015) Available from

46. Kumi, M. A. and Dzidonu, C. “A Theoretical framework for Analyzing Socio-Technical Factors in the Design of Interactive Video Communication Systems In proceedings of the International Research Initiatives Conference (IRIC 2015) Venue: Accra, Ghana Presentation Available online from http:/ Date: October 2015

47. Kumi, M. A “Limitations in the Design of Learner-based videos – A SCOT Theory Perspective”. In proceedings of the 6th Academic Seminar of the PUCG, Theme “Conservation of Natural Resources in the Changing World” Venue: PUCG Akuapem Campus, Akropong Akwapim, Date: 8th June, 2015

48. Kumi, M. A. and Dzidonu C. “Towards a Robust Learner-Driven Framework for Integrating Video Presentation Technologies into the Teaching and Learning Space In proceedings of the International Research Initiatives Conference 2014 (IRIC-2014), 7-8 October, 2014, Accra, Ghana. Won the BRONZE AWARD in the Computing Sciences Category of the IRIC Conference Available at

49. Kumi, J. A. and Kumi, M. A. and Amekli, A “Sources of Information on Sanitation in The Tema Metropolis of Ghana”, In proceedings of the 4th Academic Seminar PUCG, Akuapem Campus.Venue:Akropong–Akwapim, Date:2nd and 3rd December, 2013

50. Kumi, M. A. “Transfer of innovations through technical video films: Addressing the crop production needs of smallholder cocoa farmers in Ghana”. In proceedings of the First Colloquium of PUCG towards 10th Anniversary Celebrations – 25th July, 2013 Venue: Ebenezer Presbyterian Conference Centre, Osu, Accra. Online – URL; Government of Ghana portal, 2013

51. Kumi, M. A “Beyond the Magic in Farmer Videos: Changes in Production Practices of Farmers Involved in Video Training Approach” In proceedings of the 4th Academic Seminar PUCG, Akuapem Campus. Venue: Akropong – Akwapim, Date: 2nd and 3rd December, 2013

52. Kumi, J. A. and Kumi, M. A. “CHURNS ON THE GOLDEN EGGS: Citrus, Oil Palm or Cocoa?” In proceedings of the First Colloquium of PUCG towards 10th Anniversary Celebrations – 25th July, 2013 Venue: Ebenezer Presbyterian Conference Centre, Osu, Accra. Online – URL; Government of Ghana portal

53. Atsakpo, P. D. K., Hodgson, I. O. A. and Kumi, M. A. “Effects of Cage Fish Culture on Water Quality of the Volta Lake at Sedorm in the Asuogyaman District, Ghana”. In proceedings of the 28th Biennial Conference of the Ghana Science Association (GSA) Theme: “Harnessing our Natural Resources for National Development: The Role of Science and Technology” Venue: University of Ghana, Legon (Great Hall and Faculty of Science) Date: 14th – 19th July, 2013

54. Kumi, M. A. and Kumi, J. A. “The reception and acceptance of Farmer-films by cocoa farmers at Bomfa in the Ashanti region of Ghana” Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Management, PUCG, Akuapem Campus and Department of Agribusiness, and Okwahu Campus PUCG, In proceedings of the 1st Colloquium of PUCG, Venue: Akuapem Campus, Date: April 2012.

55. Kumi, M. A. and Kumi, J. A. “Motivators of Decision-making about Replanting Cocoa Farms Among Farmers in Eastern Ghana, Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Management, PUCG, Akuapem Campus and Department of Agribusiness, and Okwahu Campus PUCG., In proceedings of the 1st Colloquium of PUCG, Venue: PUCG Akuapem Campus Date: April 2012.

56. Kumi, J. A. and Kumi, M. A. “Decisions by Cocoa Farmers to Replace Cocoa with Citrus or Oil Palm in the Kwaebibirem District of the Eastern Region of Ghana” In proceedings of the 1st Colloquium of PUCG, Venue: PUCG Akuapem Campus Date: April 2012

57. Akrofi, A. Y., Sarfo, J. E., Amoah, F. M., Nathaniels, N., Holmes, K., Ansah, I. O. O, Gyamfi, I., Adu Kumi, M., & Cobbah, E. “Participatory Video: A tool for dissemination of improved agronomic technologies to cocoa farmers in Ghana” In proceedings of the International Cocoa Research Conference, San Jose, Costa Rica, (2006) 1737-1742

58. Kumi M. A. “Importance of Agribusiness Development to Women in Ghana”. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Enhancing Agribusiness Capacity Development in Ghana, University of Guelph, Canada / University of Ghana Accra, Ghana, July 26-28, 2004 22p


59. “Child Labour in Cocoa Farming”. Lunchtime talk to representatives of supportive organizations and labour coalitions, 100 Maryland Avenue, Conference Room 1 (The Methodist Building) Maryknoll Affiliates, Washington, DC. Monday March 24, 2003 Available at http:/www.globalexchange,org,

60. “No blood stains in Ghana’s Chocolates”. Chocolate Evening speaking event to Duke Students against Sweatshops. Durham, (North Carolina) NC. Wednesday March 26, 2003 Available at http:/www.globalexchange,org,

61. “Legal implications of Child labour in Cocoa”. Chocolate Speaking event to Bard College, Bard Fair Labour Organizing Committee, Annandale on Hudson, NY. Thursday March 27, 2003. Available at http:/www.globalexchange,org,

62. “Fair Trade Marketing of ‘Divine’ chocolate for improving livelihoods of smallholder cocoa farmers in Ghana.” Chocolate Speaking event at local high schools. Proceedings, Pacific and Asian Affairs Council, Monday, March 31 2003 In: Chocolate, DVD, 3.78 GB (2003), Producer; Chris Hayden, Pacific and Asian Affairs Council, Honolulu, HI Honolulu, HI Available at http:/www.globalexchange,org,

63. “Building social and economic equity: Finding Racial & Economic Equality between the North and the South”, Tuesday April 1, 2003 In: Chocolate, DVD, 3.78 GB (2003), Producer; Chris Hayden, Pacific and Asian Affairs Council, Honolulu, HI; Colorado College, Ft. Collins, CO. Available at http:/www.globalexchange,org,

64. “Fair Trade cocoa for farmers”. Chocolate speaking event at Trinity University, San Antonio, Wednesday April 2, 2003 In: Chocolate, DVD, 3.78 GB (2003), Producer; Chris Hayden, Pacific and Asian Affairs Council, Honolulu, HI. Available at http:/www.globalexchange,org,

65. “Fair Trade Premium and Provision of Rural Social Services”. Phillips Church Exeter Social Service Organization, Friday April 4, 2003 (New Hampshire) Manchester, NH in: Chocolate, DVD, 3.78 GB (2003), Producer; Chris Hayden, Pacific and Asian Affairs Council, Honolulu, HI Available at http:/www.globalexchange,org,

66. “Fair trade premium for child welfare in rural Ghana”, Anti-Slavery Group, Friday April 4, 2003 (New Hampshire) Manchester, NH in: Chocolate, DVD, 3.78 GB (2003), Producer; Chris Hayden, Pacific and Asian Affairs Council, Honolulu, HI Available at http:/www.globalexchange,org, Keynote Address: “Title of Presentation,” Name of Conference, Date.

67. “Deliver the cocoa farmer’s daughter from slavery, buy ‘Divine’”. Fair Trade Federation Conference Keynote Address. Madison, WI. Sunday March 30, 2003 Available at http:/www.globalexchange,org, Workshop, “Title of Presentation,” Name of Workshop, Date.

68. “Agriculture Policy Support Project (APSP) Pre-Application RFA-003 USAID FtF” Workshop, Venue: Accra, Date: June 19th 2015

69. “Professional Development Workshop, Theme: The role of training in developing the Professional Academic Staff of PUCG, Venue: Okwahu Campus, Abetifi, Date:14th-17 July 2015

70. Chairperson: GMO Roundtable Discussion on GMOs Field Testing in Ghana. Theme: “Are GMOs the solution to food security and hunger for rural farmers in Ghana?” Venue: Cleaver House Accra, Date: November, 12th, 2013..

71. “Roundtable Discussion on Mining and Gender: Theme: “Addressing issues of women in the mining sector and mining impacted areas” Venue: Angy Hill Hotel, Accra, Date: 9th December 2013

72. “Development of Participatory Crop Improvement to Support Small-scale Farmers”, organized by Wageningen International and Wageningen University of Research, Venue: Kumasi, Date: 28th April – 9th May 2008

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