Kojo Kakra Twum [PhD]

Mphil, B.Sc, PhD
Position: Lecturer
Faculty: School of Business & Economics
Department: Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Campus: Okwahu
Phone: 0246462686
Email: twumkojo@presbyuniversity.edu.gh
Twitter: @kojotwum2
Linked In: Kojo Kakra Twum
Google Scholar: Kojo Kakra Twum
Brief Profile:

I am a marketing researcher and trainer. i have qualifications in HND Marketing, Bsc Marketing, Mphil Marketing, and Pursuing PhD Marketing. i have been involved in a number of customer service and marketing training for public and private institutions in Ghana. I teach marketing courses such as Services Marketing, Principles of Marketing, Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics, International Marketing, Sales Management, Marketing Research, Integrated Marketing Communications. I aspire to be a marketing data analyst, using marketing intelligence generated from Big Data to improve marketing practice.

Research Interests:

I have research interest in service marketing, international marketing, social marketing and marketing analytics

Publications and Conferences
  • Export Marketing Strategy and Export Performance of Ghanaian SMEs. Prof. Robert Hinson and Kojo Kakra Twum. Aalborg IBC Conference 2016. Aalborg University- Denmark
  • Twum, K. K., Adams, M., Budu, S., & Budu, R. A. A. (2020). Achieving university libraries user loyalty through user satisfaction: the role of service quality. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education. org/10.1080/08841241.2020.1825030.
  • Twum, K. K., Kosiba, J. P., Abdul-Hamid, I. K., & Hinson, R. (2020). Does Corporate Social Responsibility Enhance Political Marketing? Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing. org/10.1080/10495142.2020.1798850.
  • Twum, K. K., Yalley, A. A., Agyapong, G. K. Q., & Ofori, D. (2021). The influence of Public University library service quality and library Brand image on user loyalty. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing18(2), 207-227.
  • Twum, K. K., Kwakwa, P. A., Ofori, D., & Nkukpornu, A. (2021). The relationship between individual entrepreneurial orientation, network ties, and entrepreneurial intention of undergraduate students: implications on entrepreneurial education. Entrepreneurship Education4(1), 39-66.
  • Budu, S., Korkuvi, P. J., Twum, K. K., & Budu, A. A. (2021). Determining university library loyalty using library service quality of a public university in Ghana. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1A-17.
  • Twum, K. K., Amaniampong, M. K., Assabil, E. N., Adombire, M. A., Edisi, D., & Akuetteh, C. (2020). Tax knowledge and tax compliance of small and medium enterprises in Ghana. South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law21(5), 222-231.
  • Twum, K.K., Ofori, D., Agyapong, G.K.Q., & Yalley, A. (2021). Intentions to Vaccinate Against Covid-19: A Social Marketing Perspective using the Theory of Planned Behaviour And Health Belief Model. Journal of Social Marketing.
  • Twum, K.K., Ofori, D., Keney, G., Korang-Yeboah, B. (2021). Using the UTAUT, Personal Innovativeness, and Perceived financial cost to examine Student’s Intentions to use E-Learning. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management.
  • Adae, K.,Kosiba, J.P., Hinson, R.E., Twum, K.K., Newman, N.,Nutusgah, F. (2021). Responsible Management in Emerging Markets: A multisectoral focus. Palgrave Macmillan. Springer.
  • Twum, K. K., & Yalley, A. A. (2021). Green Integrated Marketing Communication. In Green Marketing in Emerging Markets(pp. 117-144). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  • Yalley, A. A., & Twum, K. K. (2021). Green Consumer Behaviour. In Green Marketing in Emerging Markets(pp. 61-92). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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