The workshop which was organised in the New Hi-Tech ICT Laboratory aimed at enhancing the Information Literacy Skills of the Academic Staff of PUCG. The participants had series of hands-on-practice in AGORA, HINARI, EBSCOHOST and TEEAL.
The training exposed the participants to Introduction to Electronic Resources; Available Electronic Journals and Databases subscribed to by the PUCG Library; Topic Analysis and Formulation of Effective Search Strategies; Effective use of “Google” and Relevant Portals; and Evaluating Appropriate Sources of Information and Retrieved Information.
The Presbyterian University College, Ghana has been organising series of workshops for its Academic Staff to sustain its enviable academic success in its quest to build a university with a world-wide acclaim for academic excellence.
The workshop would be replicated in the Akuapem and Asante Akyem campuses for the Academic Staff.