His Lordship Justice Dr. Richmond Osei-Hwere

PhD, LL.M, LL.B., Barrister of Law
Position: Lecturer (Part-Time)
Faculty: Law
Campus: Kumasi
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Research Interests:
  • Conflict and Dispute Resolution
  • Oil and Gas Resources Regulations
  • Corporate responsibility in management of oil and gas resources
Publications and Conferences:
  • Osei-Hwere, R. (2013). Joint operating agreements between Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) and International Oil Companies (IOCs): Prospects and challenges. Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence. (11), 5.
  • Osei-Hwere, R. (2012). Oil Companies in Ghana and the corporate responsibility of health, safety and environmental protection. Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence.
  • Osei-Hwere, R. (2010). Can a developing country like Ghana control its oil and gas resources through production sharing agreements? Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence.
  • Osei-Hwere, R. (2014).  Notes and comments on the non-litigious dispute resolution processes adopted by oilmen. KNUST Law Journal.  (6), 85 – 104.
  • Osei-Hwere, R. (2011). Corporate social responsibility: a tool in the management of oil and gas resources in Ghana. Paper presented at the 20th World Petroleum Congress, Doha, Qatar, 4 – 8 December 2011.
  • Osei-Hwere, R. (2013). Joint ventures between Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) and International Oil Companies (IOCs): Benefits and challenges. College of Art and Social Sciences (CASS) – KNUST Conference Proceedings, (1), 1. 101 – 114
  • Osei-Hwere, R. Assessing the objectives of Oil and Gas Regulation. KNUST Law Journal
  • Osei-Hwere, R. Investment in Ghana’s Nascent upstream petroleum industry: Role of the regulatory regime.
  • Osei-Hwere, R. Assessing the role of state attorneys in Ghana’s Criminal Justice System.