This programme is affiliated to University of Cape Coast and it is based at the Akuapem Campus. It is multi-disciplinary in nature and draws disciplines such as Economics, Sociology, Geography, Planning, Education and Administration.
It is designed to equip the student-teachers with reflective and critical thinking skills which enable them to discuss intelligently issues and problems encountered in the environment.
It prepares the student-teachers to teach in Basic and Second Cycle Institutions. It also prepares them to effectively participate in economic, civic and political activities in the society. Graduates can be employed as Teachers, Development Consultants, Development Analysts with National Development Planning Commission, Development Planning Officers, Social Policy Analysts, Environmental Analysts and Researchers at Research Organizations.
Admission requirements
Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE) Applicants
Grade D or better in three (3) in core subjects – core English, core Mathematics, and either Integrated Science or Social Studies and three (3) elective subjects, including one of the following: Geography, History/Government and Economics.
West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) Applicants
Grade C6 or better in three (3) core subjects – core English, core Mathematics, and either Integrated Science or Social Studies and three (3) electives including, at least, one of the following subjects Geography, History/Government and Economics.
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level
Passes in three (3) subject including one of the following subjects: Geography, History/Government and Economics (at least, one of the passes should be Grade D or better). Also, the applicant must have had credit passes (Grade 6) in five GCE Ordinary Level subjects including English, Mathematics and a Science Subject (for non-science students) and an Arts subject for Science students.
Mature Students
- Applicants must be 25 years and above.
- They must pass three entrance examination papers: General Paper, Education, and a special paper in their preferred subject areas e.g., Social Studies, Geography, Economics and History/Government.
Diploma Graduates
- Applicants must have a Diploma in Education (Social Studies) with a minimum of Second Class (Lower Division) and those who have less than Lower Division should have at least two-year work experience.
- Successful candidates will complete the programme in two (2) years.
Other Diploma Holding Graduates
- Applicants holding other Diplomas other than DBE (Social Studies) must have a minimum of Second Class Lower. Those who have less than Second Lower must have at least two-years work experience.
- Successful candidates will complete the programme in three (3) years.
International Applicants
Foreign applicants with similar grades as Ghanaians will also be admitted and placed at the same level as their Ghanaian counterparts. In case the admission committee is not sure of a foreign certificate, it will be referred to GTEC for verification.
Regular / Weekend
Campus: Akuapem