Mr Amankwa is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of ICT at the Presbyterian University College, Ghana. Eric was appointed a demonstrator in the Department of ICT in 2008 after a successful completion of his undergraduate studies in the department the year before. After his appointment in 2008, he was promoted through the ranks to a Lecturer in 2011, upon a successful completion of a Master of Science Programme in Advanced ICT Studies from KNUST (The Institute). Eric is currently in his final year of a Ph.D study at the University of South Africa.
As a lecturer, Eric teaches, mentors and supervises several students in the department to complete their undergraduate studies successfully. As a result, the University appointed some of his best students as Teaching Assistants whereas others occupy several important positions in various organizations.
As a researcher, Eric contributes immensely to the growth of the department through his scholarly research publications in international journals. He has over 10 research publications to his credit leading to his promotion to the Senior Lecturer rank and a subsequent appointment as Head of Department in 2017.
Eric has also served on various committees and boards of the University including the Disciplinary Committee for Junior Members, the Board of Survey, Research and Conference Committee, Appeals Committee and the Board of Convocation. He is currently the chairperson of the University Convocation.
Outside the University community, Eric has served on a number of committees within the Presbyterian Church of Ghana. He is a staunch member of the Church and fellowships with the Abetifi Ramseyer Congregation. He is a serving Presbyter and the current Vice President of the Young Adults Fellowship (YAF) of the Congregation. Eric is married with three children.