Dr. Frank Amankona Abebrese

Position: Lecturer
Faculty: Health and Medical Sciences
Department: Physician Assitantship
Campus: Asante Akyem, Agogo,
Email: frankabebrese1954@gmail.com
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Brief Profile:
  • Currently a Lecturer in Surgery and Pathology at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences – since February, 2016.
  • Have several years of experience as a Healthcare Provider and Manager of several Healthcare Facilities at different levels of the Ministry of Health, Ghana and the Ghana Health Service.
  • Passion is to provide and also facilitate provision of clinical services in underserved areas and to persons situated in difficult environments in Ghana.
  • Greatest and most cherished achievement, in my professional life, is how I was able to collaborate with a Team of other Medical and Non-Medical personnel to successfully convert the former Kumasi Urban Health Center, situated at Atonsu-Agogo, into a fully-fledged Regional Hospital for the Ashanti Region of Ghana.
  • Service to Ghana, as a Medical Practioner, spans a period of over thrty-seven (37) years, having entered Medical Service, in Ghana, as a House Officer in Year 1980, and exiting the Ghana Health Service and the Ministry of Health in Year 2016 as a Consultant General Surgeon.


Research Interests:
  • Improving surgical outcomes in typhoid enteric perforations
  • Use of Tamponade in the management of severe post-operative bleeding in thyroid surgery
  • Emergency preparedness to improve outcomes in medical and surgical care
  • Hernia mesh repair


Publications and Conferences:
  1. Abebrese, F. A., Arquaye, G., Egote, A., Tetteh, J. O. T., Kyei-Farried, S., Amoah, J. (2004). Improving post-operative outcomes in the management of typhoid enteric perforation with Clindamycin: report of twenty-three (23) cases. Kumasi South Hospital Publication.
  2. Abebrese, F. (2003) Emergency preparedness: the case of management of road traffic accident in three district hospitals in the Ashanti Region. Presentation to the Surgical Society of Ghana.
  3. Abebrese, F. A., Kyei-Farried, F. (2000). Programmed relaparotomy in the management of terminal case of typhoid enteric perforation. Ashanti Health Journal.

Participated in the preparation of the following documents, of the Ministry of Health and the Ghana Health Service which are available on the internet.

  • Guideline for the establishment of mental health departments/units in hospitals, 2011
  • Policy and guideline for hospital accident and emergency services in Ghana. 2011
  • Guideline for public health units in hospitals

